Taking Back Control
I just realized that I want to wear my natural hair out forever! It’s kind of a funny story actually because I’m already roughly five months into re growing my hair after getting it cut down very low. My intention was never to stay with this type of hair. I was just getting rid of the remainder of my severely damaged relaxed hair. I cut it because it was getting frustrating having to explain why I had a gaping hole at the back of my head where my hair should be. The hole wasn't completely terrible, at least I’d like to believe not, and it wasn't completely deficit or devoid of hair but it was bad enough for people to notice. I found myself displaying toupee tendencies more and more by trying to comb over my longer hair over the affected area. It was a disaster and I can safely say my comb-over was not working (do they ever though?). So the idea of cutting was always at the back of my mind (perhaps too literally), but my tendency to over think things kept holding me back. It was...